Tag Archives: Life Lessons

The battle begins – Ox Loife in 2015

Our hair is currently a right mess but Our bedroom is spotless.

As a 1985 babe, we landed Earth in the Year of the Ox, and according to the Chinese Zodiac calendar, the Year of the Goat/Sheep is not going to be one for the Sheena Lee C ages.

In a bid to counter our bad luck, we will be taking the advice of Elaine Lui from LaineyGossip and cleaning our teeth, steering clear of goats’ cheese and petting dogs. (The lengths we will go to)

The Great Love, who is a Rat (and we always considered him a Horse) will be exercising caution on the roads and is encouraged to keep his cool during heated tiffs with his Glorious Partner. Which is actually good advice for him in any year.

The Roommate, a Pig, which is absolutely no reflection on her style of living, should be wary of legalities, and extremely good to those she shares her space with.

This advice was shared by Lui on her blog as we approached the New Year precipice in a bid to help readers navigate the year forth in accordance with individual Chinese Zodiac signs.

We ate it up. We don’t mind a bit of astrology, and we don’t mind a lot of Lui; so We figured combining the two here a fabulous idea.

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Motivation Proclamation

When I was in year 12 my school hosted a motivational speaker.

For those not familiar with my age, it was roughly an eon ago and, dependant upon which part of the hemisphere you reside within, it was either 12 or 13 years ago.

The speaker was very good motivating.

He told a tale which I tucked up into the sleeve of my (discoloured) white school polo and have carried with me ever since.

He told us that once upon a time he was a fatty with mental health issues. And that he knew he had to do something about both.

He told us he decided to start running. He knew regular exercise would shift the podge and positively assist his battle with head health.

He set himself a goal. A three weeks worth of exercise goal. And he committed to it. Continue reading

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Fiercely feminist – and the reasons why

In the hour past I’ve watched on as my housemate attached a loose electrical chord to a plug, fitted a light bulb to a pesky fitting and turned an entire corner of our lounge bright with light.

I’d never take the time. And a good many might even wait for a man to do it for them. Continue reading

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Seven Years A Weld

There really is nothing like an evening with the house mates; the familiar conversation, the high-comfort clothes and the hours whiled away gazing at the grandest of designs, Kevin McCloud from Grand Designs.

We (I) casually browse gossip websites while opining the latest couple undertaking an over-zealous home-building task. We sit quietly while McCloud waxes lyrical in his final monologue and exclaim our support for his every word at its conclusion.

As the camera cuts away to span the magnificent vista of the finished product, and flashes back to some of the more difficult moments, including footage of a well-played weld, the Great Love reveals it isn’t actually McCloud that has his attention, but the skill and craft displayed in undertaking said weld. He says, “good joinery amazes me”.

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A well-clothed apology

I’ve long heard carry-on about the importance of a little black dress in the wardrobe.

I’ve heard, but being more of a colourist in the fashion department, I’ve never really walked the black dress walk.

Until recently. Continue reading


Something to think about

On the weekend I attended 7 Sisters Festival. It was a workshop-filled weekend. I learned a lot.

My decision to go off the pill about two years ago was reaffirmed. Again and again.

While it’s a very personal decision, that of managing one’s own fertility, it seems most, maybe just many, women make that decision very much uninformed.

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