
Welcome to A Crowded Hour, a site as jumbled as I am.

I have tried hard to declare ACH’s intent in flowery and impressive prose. My tact, it must be said, has not worked and while the writing within this here blog is truthful and always to the point, so must be its description: A Crowded Hour features my carry-on, shared for your entertainment.

To go further, it is a sounding board for my thoughts on life and great love; it is a feast of opinion; it is a virtual pin board documenting my travels and city explorations from my new home in London; and it’s a style mood board because I bloody love fashion. Oh and there’s a shot of celebrity gossip thrown in for good measure.

It’s a heady mix and a fine example of the crowd of ideas and opinion which hustle and bustle for my attention at all hours of the day.

In my life, most hours are crowded and this is my attempt to make some sense of it all.

I hope you enjoy.

Best and so forth,

Sheena Lee C

As a Post-Script: here are 11 things you may already know about me:

1. 30

2. Strawberry blonde

3. Former Book mistress

4. Media type

5. Animal non-lover

6. Dungarees wearer

7. Staunch monarchist

8. Reluctant lead vocodist (retired)

9. Roaring feminist

10. New resident of the Mother Country

11. Great Love-er

sheena lee c

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